Sunday, December 11, 2011

22 days to go!

Just practicing putting in photos
Owen asked me today "how long until we leave for Bali?"  "About 3 weeks," I said.  "No, how many days exactly," he responded.  "Well 22."  "That is horrifying," he said.  "I am feeling pretty excited," I countered.  Ahhh, the range of emotions running through our house these days.

With only a little over three weeks (22 days to be exact) before we leave, emotions are running high.  The last couple of weeks have put us through a test.  Our renters backed out, both of our cars stopped working, our washing machine broke, the new washing machine had to be delivered 3 times before they were able to install it so it functioned and we found out that we needed to get a visa ahead of time after all.

All of these issue have been resolved, well, our visa approval is supposed to come on Tuesday.  Although, it was a stressful patch, it seemed to have served a useful purpose.  Rock and I are ready to get out of here!   

We are starting to believe it will really happen.  The house is almost ready and we are about 75% packed.  Since we will be in Philo and then Wisconsin over the holiday break, we are trying to have almost everything done by this coming Friday.  Wish us luck!

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