Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bali Blues

The view from Cafe Lotus, a 10 min walk from our house

Last week Owen had a couple of weepy days where he was really missing friends at home. I think the newness and excitement of being here is starting to wear off and he was missing familiar.  We aren't just on vacation, this is life.  I know this is normal and to be expected but I want to be able to help him with his sadness, yet there isn't much I can do.   At one point he said to me, "I don't want to leave Bali because I like it here, I just want to be able to bring my friends here."  I thought this was insightful and summed it up pretty well.

The last couple of days, it has been my turn.  I miss friends and family, I miss familiar, I miss being able to get around more easily on my own, I miss seasons and change in weather, I miss wearing a sweater, I miss easy protein sources for the boys and more.  

On the other hand, I hardly feel like I can complain.  Yesterday, I went on a bike ride with 2 other women from school through the rice paddies, along an irrigation channel, through villages and along the road to a spa in Ubud where we got massages for $10 and then lunch.  I have borrowed the bike and I love the sense of freedom it gives me. I am enjoying not having as many responsibilities and having a more simple life. 

I do feel like we have started to settle into a routine which is nice and we are getting to know people well enough to know which kids work well with ours, who will call an hour late, who will change plans three times, who will follow through etc.  

Well, enjoy Spring and take a hike in the wildflowers for me when they come out.  

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