Monday, February 27, 2012

Owen's Report on Our Last Weekend

Durian on the left, snake fruit in the middle and mangosteens on the far right
This past weekend, we went to Bedugul in the mountains of Bali.  We ate a stinky fruit called durian and when my mom farted it smelled like durian that had gone through a person, which is REALLY bad. She says they were in the top three of her life in badness. 

Henry going through the tunnel
Owen walking on two cables
We went to this place called Treetops which was like a ropes course in the sky and with ziplines. There was this course thing where I had to walk across this big ditch with just two cables to attach my carabiners. There was this part where I went on this super long zipline and I had to crawl through barrels and go on this skateboard thing. And I had to walk across this bouncy net.  And stand on this swing thing where you would slide across this space before you got to a zipline. And you also had to weave yourself through these pieces of wood or else your carabiner would get tangled.  And you also had to walk through horse stirrups. And swing and hit this net like it was a flyswatter. 

Pretty darn high
And then we spent the night at this lodge. And we wrecked the top floor. And we tried to watch a movie called Chicken Run on a big screen, except it would not work, the projector would not project the movie so we had to watch this movie called Enchanted. It's about this girl who gets transported out of her magical world. And we had to watch the movie downstairs in our room. And when we were waiting for them to try to fix Chicken Run, Dad told stories and we goofed around and stuff. 

Sweet, sweet Henry walking across a log
And my mom thinks that Henry is acting annoying right now. And a couple of minutes ago he sang this crazy Bali song about how living in Bali you know where you're going. And I think the easiest word in Indonesian is Baik which means fine. My favorite fruit is mangosteens. Or maybe it is actually snakefruit. And my little brother goes in the pool too much and he gets green hair and then I call him a weirdo. And I have a sore throat. 

Love, Owen

ps I was the one who did the most for the first person who has been to Treetops in their life-Sarita said that. 

pss Henry is acting awesome right now. He is just plain coloring, not acting annoying or anything. And maybe Henry watches less tv here.

1 comment:

  1. Owen, that sounds so exciting. What kind of trees were those that you were up in -- the ones in the picture? Did you yell when you came down the zipwire?
