Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Art Show

Sorry-I thought I had posted this.  This is from May 1.

Tonight the boys had an art show for the painting class they have been taking. One of the moms at the Green School is a pretty famous painter from Norway and she started a painting class with a Balinese painter for kids. Every Monday for the past couple of months they have gone and explored acrylic paint and canvas. 

Tonight we came together for an art exhibition for families and the community. Owen was so proud. Mostly Henry observed in class only last week, working on a collaborative piece with a friend. It has been fun to see what they produce and how they express themselves and their thoughts through art.

At the show, Bjorg, the artist, announced that she is also arranging a show at a local fancy hotel. The kids were excited about this, although they mainly wanted to know if they could swim in the pool. However, Owen also said that he thought he better start working a bit less abstract for that show.

Originally the paintings were going to be for sale with the proceeds going to the Smile Foundation in Bali. This is an organization that changes people's lives through repairing facial and cranial abnormalities. Owen and several of the kids didn't like the idea of selling their paintings because they wanted to bring them home. I told Owen that we would buy his paintings so we could keep them and also make the donation to the Smile Foundation.

We are off to Australia tomorrow so I will be off blogging for about 2 weeks.  Enjoy Spring as we are off to enjoy Fall for the second time in the past 12 months.  

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