Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Australia was a nice break from Bali. The relief felt in 70 degree weather was extreme for Rock and he realized he wasn't so homesick as much as hot sick. Australia also felt amazingly clean and orderly in comparison to Bali. However, it was also extremely expensive which started to feel pretty oppressive.

Highlights from our trip were contributed by all members of the family ...

Playing in parks

Bouldering at Granite Gorge

Taking hot baths

Feeding wallabies and seeing the joeys

Swimming with two sea turtles on the Great Barrier Reef

Seeing the opera house

Seeing some friends from Bali in Sydney

Sunsets over the Sydney Harbor
Being cold

Spending time with Mimi and Papa

A quiet walk along a river in search of platypus

Playing at the Powerhouse Museum

The Narnia exhibit at the museum

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